Alot happened over on the Proverbs31girl home front this summer!
So, I put together a blog post sharing every blog that has happened around here since May! Take a look below so you didn't miss anything!
OUR LITTLE GARDEN. We became garden people this summer and wow has this unlocked a whole new world for us.
THE LAST AND FINALE GARAGE. We finished our last garage makeover.
ANOTHER SURPRISE. Yup, That is right. We bought yet another...
GOLF CART TO CABIN CRUISER. This was a fun little makeover and one I questioned why I didn't do way sooner!
AFTER 6 YEARS WE RE-STAINED OUR DECK. We stained the deck in an afternoon. So much better!
GARDEN CHECK IN. There must be something in the MN soil because we couldn't keep up with our garden harvest in the best way!
THE MAGIC OF PAINT. We were able to paint our cabin neighbor's house in 4 hours. I love the magic of paint!
RYAN HAD A SECRET PROJECT THIS SUMMER. Did you miss the secret project Ryan build this summer?
DRAMATIX BOX MOLDING. Bye Bye shiplap, Hello dark box molding!