And it only took 3 years!!

allie • March 9, 2011

So here’s the deal, the other night for Ryan’s birthday we went out to the usual man stores, Gander Mountain and Scheels…and I lovingly asked him if we could stop off at another somewhat man store, the Home Depot, to get some paint to paint my bed.  I always try to pick opportune times to ask these questions, times  when Ryan is in a good mood, love you babe:)  He said sure, but before you paint the bed you should really fill in the nail holes and give the trim a fresh coat of paint. See, we move in 3 years ago, took off all the trim and sprayed it white, and then nailed it back on.  Since then we have never filled the nail holes and freshened up the trim, and by we I mean me:)  This  is a job that I really didn’t appreciate because 1.)  there was no immediate change, I mean sure…it looks all fresh and new but no drastic difference.  2.)  Because no one else would notice this strenous task besides myself.  I’m pretty sure Ry wouldn’t have realized if I wouldn’t have had the blue tape still on the floor when he came home.  and 3.)  It is a stinky job!!  I’ll show you what I mean.

First of all taping the floors and wall off take more time than the actual painting. Thank you that my husband works at 3M and we can get painters tape cheap!

Also, you have to move everything off of the walls to get it all. I did contemplate being lazy and only painting up til pieces of furniture…but my conscious got the best of me:)

So, the nail holes are filled and the trim is painted….so bring on the bed!!  I actually just finished it yesterday and got it back together.  Like I said, when it’s a fun project I waste no time:)  Check back Friday and see how it looks, I absolutely love it!!

Are there any daunting tasks you’ve been avoiding??

And lastly because you have to be on your hands and knees the whole time while painting. Not a fun position to be in. But, there was an incentive in mind, and with that incentive….I got it done in 1 day. I know..the daunting task seemed too overwhelming for 3 years and then when I actually did it, it only took me one day.

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