This year I struggled to get my Christmas post up. I have had the decorations up for weeks now, and actually the pictures taken for quite some time as well. But for some reason I just couldn’t write my post. Every time I tried I drew a blank. And then I started seeing all of blog land posting gorgeous photos and then I started to get self conscious. My photography skills aren’t as good. My decor isn’t as high end. I don’t use live greens. My star never made it on top of my tree..and on and on.
But then I stood back and figured out WHY I LOVE to decorate for the holidays…and realized it wasn’t for the perfect pictures, or the blog, or for the world to see. But it was for my family. To make the season festive and magical, just like my mom did for me. I remember as a kid getting soooo excited when my mom pulled down our Christmas tubs and started to put twinkle lights everywhere. I LOVED going to get our tree and help string popcorn strands to decorate it. I LOVED the memories and traditions all of the decor helped to create in our family. And THAT’s why I decorate.
Because at Christmas…It’s magical.
That…and…it’s the only time color overtakes my house!
It’s shocking really…
So I decided to include a few familiar faces this year..
So give you a glimpse into real life at the Lundeens.
Yes, that is a normal occurence. Getting brother to laugh:)
and so is this. These two have always been best buds…
although now there is some competition…
And he’s kinda cute. Diaper butt and all.
That’s how we roll around here.
P.S. I have a little secret.
There are toys hiding everywhere in this house.
Trust me…the children aren’t deprived.
I have another secret.
During the Christmas season we eat bon-bons for breakfast.
Although they are somewhat healthy since they have rice krispies and peanut butter in them:)
At least that’s what I tell myself.
oh….and did you notice jo jo’s sign found a new home this year??
and you may have noticed I got myself some pendant lights over the island…
the handy husband wired those for me for my birthday last year. What a guy:)
and I switched out the sink light to a little wire cage pendant.
ps. does anyone else decorate in their bathroom??
or is it just me?
Here’s to all of us…doing our thing this Christmas…for our family and no one else. At least with the decor. We are trying to do quite a bit for Jesus this year and working on putting others before ourselves like Christ as well. A hard lesson for all of us big and small I’m finding out! But oh so valuable…and a lesson that is best taught from the home, and modeled by us big ones. So here’s to also finishing the season strong and spreading God’s love to all of those around us:)