I was laying in bed last night and asking the Lord what He wanted me to share. Having 2 sick kiddos the last three days, it seemed like parenting was screaming at me. But when I sat down to do my devos He lead me in another direction. It may seem redundant…but there seems to be so many people dealing with trials that have lost hope, or are having a hard time finding it. They want peace but they just can’t quite get there. Once you have felt that huge abundance of God peace in the darkest hours…you want everyone to be able to experience it! So again I share on placing 100% faith in God and receiving his faithfulness in return.
Let me start by saying I am no theologian. I went to Northwestern Bible College in the Twin Cities (best experience ever!) where you end up majoring in Bible as well as your other major. So I had to take some pretty deep classes. I am a student, school came pretty easy to me…but for some reason those Bible classes were the hardest classes I had to take. Ironic isn’t it?? My dad actually just brought my transcripts, he was going through his files, and my Bible classes were the lowest grades…once I started in my major, Elementary Ed, it was all A’s. (sorry, bragging alert:) Here’s what I’m saying. I have always had a blind faith in God. I put 100% belief in him at a young age an never looked back. I didn’t need to study deep into theology to test my beliefs, I just believed. I really look up to pastors, teachers, Bible study leaders that can look at one verse and can come up with an hour long message on it. I can not. I have also seen though how some people think too much, are too analytical, and don’t have enough faith to simply”believe.” And lets be honest, it takes faith in the Christian religion. If you didn’t have faith you would think it crazy that someone could speak the world into existence, walk on water, part the seas and bring people back to life.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. ~Hebrews 11:1
Blind faith.
Faith that God is good.
Faith He will take care of us.
Faith that this is not our home yet.
Faith that He says who He is and does what He says!
So this was my devo this morning that spoke to me from the book “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young.
Give up the illusion that you deserve problem-free life. Part of you is still hungering for the resolution of all difficulties. This is a false hope! As I told My disciples, in the world you will have trouble. Link your hope not to problem solving in this life but to the promise of an eternity of problem-free life in heaven. Instead of seeking Me: the Perfect One.
It is possible to enjoy Me and glorify Me in the midst of adverse circumstances In fact, My Light shines MOST BRIGHTLY (my caps!:) through believers who trust Me in the dark. That kind of trust is supernatural: a production of My indwelling Spirit When things seem all wrong, trust Me anyway. I am much less interested in right circumstances than in right responses to whatever comes your way.
He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. ~Psalm 112:7
So there’s my sermon for the day. And here’s my testimony. I truly believe that because Ryan and I chose, because it is a choice, to thank God in the darkest hours, and to trust He is good, all the time….he BLESSED us! Did we get our little girl back….no. Not yet, we will some day:) But we were blessed with relationships, with peace, indescribable peace, with Jesus love from so many others. We were blessed financially and taken care of. And one that spoke the loudest to us is how we were blessed by God’s people. We truly do believe that God uses people to love on us as well! There are too many amazing things we have received, and messages we’ve been sent to share them all, but I did want to share just a couple of things that truly touched my heart.
I received an email from a girl I had never met that wanted a picture of Jules for a project she was working on. It was around Christmas so I thought possibly an ornament or something of the sort. And then one day I got the cutest package in the mail.
I had never heard of Jewel Kade, so I opened it…
Cute packaging isn’t it?? And I found the most gorgeous necklace!
A sparkly “J” for Jules, and a pretty pink Jewel:)
And when I flipped it over it took my breath away!
My little sweetie!
I wore it to a birthday party awhile back and it was so fun to be able to share Jules story with people who didn’t know her. I was able to turn it around and show them and they said they got goosebumps. I love keeping her close:)
Super bad i phone pic but I took it to send to a friend that night:)
Thank you Nicole so much for this amazing gift! I will cherish it always! Jewel Kade is an awesome company and I’d love to add pieces to this necklace some day…if you wanna check it out you should chat with Nicole. You can find her site here.
The other amazingly thoughtful gift we got (among many) was this beautiful photo album.
It’s gorgeous linen personalized just for Ju Ju.
It’s so great to have a purposeful place to put Jules’ pictures, so we can remember her always.
and it’s full to the max:)
I got this sweet gift from the 2 sisters I nannied for. They became like family to me and this was beyond special! Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness Erika and Gretchen!!
I show you these gifts because I would describe them as extravagant. Above and beyond. And I know that people gave them to us, but to me it was an amazing reminder of how extravagant our God is, when we choose to trust Him. How he takes care of us and goes the extra mile to show His love for us. I pray you can feel God’s extravagant love today as well!