How do you do it all??

allie • April 28, 2012

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this line.


Boy do I have you guys fooled!!

I have tried to figure out balance since I had kids.  Still trying.  If anyone has it figured out, please share!!  I’m pretty sure there is no such thing as a “balanced” life.   There are days when I feel like I’m a great mom, and then I’m a terrible mom.  Times I feel like Martha Stewart and then times I feel like my house could be on Hoarders. (Okay, maybe not quite that bad, we don’t have any dead cats laying around:)  There are some days where I think wow…I feel so good with what I have gotten done, and others where I’m just begging for a few more hours.  And most importantly there are days where I feel so close to Jesus, and others that I’m not sure He’s anywhere close.

Can anyone else relate??

I used to try to find the balance…and then I would end up being frustrated every day.  So today I am going to humble myself and show you one area that seems to just not quite make the grade lately.  And trust me….this is quite humbling for this girl….

Most mornings this last couple of weeks, this is what my kitchen looks like when I come down in the morning..


Now if this is normal for you…no judgment shown.  For me…if my house stays a mess for longer than 24 hours I start to get a little panicky.  I can’t relax.  Anyone else know the feeling?!?

So let’s just say I’ve been uptight for quite awhile now:) The good thing is that if one thing goes to the wayside it usually means another is getting done…and I have been getting some fun projects done the last couple of days.

But the laundry shows it as well…

That’s what 4 loads of laundry waiting a week to be folded looks like.

I’m sorry if some of you are hyperventilating for me.  Or maybe you’re relating?  Who knows:)

So, a few tricks that I have learned to make the most out of my day?!?

Well first and foremost you gotta start with talking to Jesus.  Something I am still trying to get down.  It’s amazing how much better the days seem to go.  Patience, understanding, love…everything!

Second, understand that not everything is going to get accomplished, so pick a task or two.

Third, I always try to take a half an hour a day to do a quick run through my house and tidy up.  It’s amazing what even a half an hour a day does.  I usually do mine sometime before the hubby gets home.  When my kiddos were little it was when they were napping.

and lastly I have realized I don’t need to be on the ground playing with my kids 10 hours a day.  They love to play around me.  They love when I’m cooking or crafting.  They watch what I’m doing but yet do their own thing.  I used to think I was a bad mom if I wasn’t on the floor the whole day with them, but now I have realized what an awesome skill it is for them to play together without mom.  Their creativity has sky rocketed and their independence as well.  Of course you have to teach the boundaries of “don’t touch mommy’s paint:)” which they do great at…and a few other things, picking up…playing with one thing at a time…but that’s a whole other blog post!

So, I’m here to tell you that Allison Lundeen does not do it all.  Nope, not even a little.  But I’ve become okay with that.  So, I hope you don’t find defeat but rather put the priorities first and let the others follow:)  Right now, this lil girl is pulling on me to go make some banana bread.

The dishes can wait:)

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