I stole!
Shame on me…I couldn’t resist.
Every couple of days we go out to visit the farmhouse to make sure someone hasn’t gone and moved it:) And when we get out there our fears and worries about finances, fixing a 100-year-old house, and moving all seem to vanish. It is so incredibly peaceful out there! So I just had to. I had to bring some of it home with me…even though it isn’t officially ours yet:)
Can you blame me??? Aren’t they just GORGEOUS!! I am in love with lilacs, their color, their smell..everything! If only I could get them to bloom all summer:)
I just love the pop of color they brought to my dining room! (nice head in the mirror allie…that’s me on a stay at home day:)
So shame on me, the Lord will deal with me later…but for now it was worth it:)
I was also going to mention that cute little “L” I got for my pitcher..if you noticed it:) I found a lady that makes the vinyl letters and numbers so you can stick them onto just about anything. They come in 4″ sizes and you can get 5 letters or numbers for $15. The real reason I got them was because I wanted them for my canisters on my counter.
I have a fourth too, just didn’t fit on this counter. They sure make them pop though don’t they? Love it! They spruced up my $5 dollar garage sale buy just perfectly!! If you’re interested you can find her products here I think you can also make your own if you have a cricut…but unfortunately I do not.
So I hope you are enjoying the flowering shrubs and bushes as much as I am…and watch out, I might just be cutting some out of your yard next:) Teasing!