Isn’t it funny how sometimes life gets in the way of our true purpose. How we can get so caught up with what going on around us (family, kids, job, cleaning, drama) that we lost sight of what’s important.
This past week was one of those weeks. Ry ended up working 80 hours, on top of me getting ready for a Whimsy sale, on top of getting sick, on top of another month with no baby news, on top of Jule’s birthday coming around the corner.
Needless to say I was a bit of a wreck. And I was a bit of a wreck on my own. My hubby wasn’t here to witness my meltdowns as he was working, the kids were sleeping (good thing:) and there I was wallowing in self pity. Throwing myself a dandy of a party actually. I started thinking what am I doing?? Everything seems pointless. I wanted to just be able to throw on my pjs and sit on the couch all day and all night and not think about anything. But you know something? You can’t. Life keeps on going and we need to keep fighting.
It was on one of my pity party nights that I ended up reaching out to my Bible Study ladies (a true blessing!) and once again the family of Christ proved so powerful! Prayers went up and I was able to persevere. A meal came in that blessed us immensely and again I was humbled by how faithful our God is. During the week we also had the movie event Unstoppable that I had bought tickets for 2 months prior. I hadn’t realized then that it would fall 2 nights before Whimsy and a week that Ry was working 80 hours, but I felt that although there were so many strikes against us, Ry and I needed to go.
It was a live event by Kirk Cameron and before the movie even started Mandisa came on and sang her new song Overcomer. Wow! I think I went just for that. You know how some songs just hit you? Well this was the song for me.
The lyrics that spoke to me were, “Whatever it is you’re going through, I know He’s not going to let it get the best of you!” Hold tight, fix your eyes on the one that holds your life, there’s nothing He can’t do. You might feel down for a moment, feeling that it’s hopeless, that’s when He reminds you that your’e an overcomer. ”
And the truth in that statement is that we are hopeless if we choose to not allow God to get us through our crud that we deal with. He is the answer. I’m pretty sure if He wasn’t in my life to carry me through, if I didn’t know the bigger picture, the fact that this is just a tiny fraction of our life, eternity waits, that I would stay on the couch. That the jammies wouldn’t be coming off. But the truth is, Jules’ is just waiting for us. The truth is His plans are bigger than my own. The truth is there is work to be done, people to love on, truth to spread, and a God that deserves our highest praise and service through it all. We are an overcomer….but only becomes Jesus has come. Come with hope! Come with Life. Eternal life.
Thank you Jesus.
I’m praying that today you can be an overcomer!