When I was little my dream was to be a mom. My mom stayed home with us and I just thought that’s what all women do. As I got older I realized that some moms work and some moms stay home. I still wanted to stay home:) When I graduated from high school I knew I was headed to college because that’s what you do…so I had to pick a degree. I picked elementary education because to me that was the next best thing to being a mom, but I really didn’t care if I didn’t teach. (sorry dad for the bills:) I really just wanted to find Dreamy McDreamerson, run away with him, get married and have four children in our cute little house, sipping lemonade and eating crumpets. Okay, now I”m getting a bit carried away. Here’s the point. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would have a little baby I would have to bring home and watch die.
Juliet was a life changer. I didn’t see her coming a million miles away. She wasn’t in my “plan.” haha, and God laughs at me:) Our lives will never be the same, we will forever be changed. Here’s the deal though, she was in God’s plan. She was meant to be for us and us for her. We were chosen to be her parents even before I was born, I’m pretty sure of that, and I’m so grateful. I’m grateful for what Juliet has taught me, and what God has shown me through her. I’m grateful how God has used Juliet and put a specific calling on her life, and how humbled we are to be able to walk her through this life and see that purpose fulfilled.
Our new motto around our house is, “day by day.” Since we grieved Juliet even before she was born, and did not think we were going to even get the chance to come home with a baby, we have had to retrain our thinking. She’s here now. Will she be here tomorrow?? Next week?? Next year?? So many unknowns that I can’t allow myself to think about. She is here today, so we will cherish today. I say this like it is so easy, but in all actuality it is one of the hardest lessons I’m learning. I’m human, I want to know the future. I want to plan. I want to prepare.
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
I’m so grateful that I believe in a God that does know the future, and a God that gives us hope. I could not walk this journey without Him.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34
And I’m so grateful to have a God that will carry our worries for us. We don’t need to take them all on ourselves.
Dear Jules’…Whether we get to keep Juliet for another week, or for another 10 years, our lives are forever changed. We will not be the same. Everyone has a life changer… or probably will at some point. What’s yours??
I’m just glad mine is so stinkin cute:)