It’s here, the first makeover I’ve had in 6 months!! Wow, such a journey!! I must admit, I just put some of the finishing touches on 10 minutes before I shot the picture, so I”m not going to promise you that it still isn’t going to change:) I need to sit with it for awhile to see if I really like it, weird…I know.
Back to the ever so colorful “before” pictures of this same bathroom!!
and after…
I know…why did I touch it right?? :)
And after…
and a few extra details….
Actually copied this little cutie from my sister-in-law, thanks Nicolle! I had gotten this tray from Walmart on clearance for $2.50 and didn’t know what to do with it until I went to her house and saw it on her vanity…cute!!
These little apothecaries work great for a bathroom, and you can change them out seasonally too! Keep your eyes open at Goodwill for these guys, usually you can find them from $1.00-$400!! A steal:)
Another fun holiday tip…take the glass out of a photo frame and add an ornament instead:) But don’t throw away the glass, you may want it in the future!
I was showing Ry this post before I published it and he said, you have to show them the sit down shower! I usually don’t ever show anyone my showers because I am not the best “shower cleaner” but to appease him I will show you his pride and joy, his sit down shower:)
So what did we do to this space? Well if you can tell from the before pictures it was actually a lot larger before than after. They used to have the laundry in the bath as well, and since you all know my deep dark secrets of “unorganization” I CANNOT have my laundry in with my guest bath. If you know what I mean:) So, we took that out and moved it upstairs into our bedroom. We brought in the vanity wall and toilet wall about 2 feet each to expand our entry and eat-in kitchen, and then moved the shower to the opposite wall. We did actually bump the shower into our office about a foot and a half to keep the bathroom a little less congested, and to give Ryan the dream of a chair in his shower..haha. Oh the little things:)
The budget for this room?? Well it’s kinda hard to say, but I will tell you what we spent on some of the bigger items. We found this vanity (mirror included–that may someday get traded out for a little more glitsy something or other:) for $250 at the Home Depot. Considering it had a granite top and a drop down sink, I was pretty excited! We did have to spend an extra $100 on the faucet. We spent around $200?? on the shower, and about $150 on the toilet. As for the accesories, I got the majority of them at Target for about $50 and the rest of the decor was me rummaging through the numerous boxes that are still scattering our office of our old home decor.
We still need to hang some sort of window treatment as my mom gets a bit nervous to hop out of the shower right in front of the window:) I”m seeing maybe a bamboo shade in here to bring in a little more warmth without covering up the light.
The fact that we did not have to pay a plumber, painter, and handyman…HUGE!! Good job Ryan and a little pat on the back for myself:) hehe. I did paint, hang the mirror and accessories, the girls gotta do something:)
So I hope this first makeover didn’t disappoint. I can’t promise the rest of the areas will be as finished off as this one is, bathrooms kinda finish themselves if you know what I mean! I am super excited to announce that our counter tops just arrived at Menards today and we will hopefully be putting them in this weekend!! Yes, it has been 6 long month without a kitchen sink, I will be one happy girl very very soon!! :)
Happy Friday everyone!