If you are normally on our Christmas mailing list and did not receive a Christmas card this year, it is NOT because you are on our black list:) It is simply because with a few other projects going on that was the last thing I got to. Well actually no..I didn’t even get to it. So, here is our online version of our Christmas card this year. I must warn you, we did not have our awesome photographer friend take pics this year, instead Ry extended his hand with his i phone and took a really grainy picture. Haha, kinda sums up the year…CRAZY!!:):)
And here’s a few more snapshots of what we did this holiday season…
We took the kids to the Mall of America and visited Lego Land, and a few stores for Mom to do some last minute shopping:)
Lego Overload!!
We also took the kids to an indoor waterpark on the 22nd for hanging in there and being such troopers these last 6 months. We had a blast, and I did have some pics to show it, but I think a little 3-year-old got his hands on my camera and somehow now they are MIA.
Lastly we wrapped everything thing up with Christmas’ with both sides….somehow we managed to get one somewhat organized photo of the Young side (my maiden name:) …
Have a Happy 2012 Everyone!!