How do you find peace in tough times…this is a question I get quite often. And it is a really a hard thing to explain, except when you stand on what God promises.
The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
Psalm 29:11
When you feel this sense of peace, when you can stand and smile and praise God at your daughters funeral, when you can’t even explain how you are not sobbing…you know it is God given peace.
I have to tell you, although it was beyond hard to say goodbye to sweet Juliet, Ryan and I were truly able to worship God, fellowship with family, friends, and amazing people who have helped get us through this journey with prayers and support, and even enjoy ourselves as we celebrated Juliets short life.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light
Matthew 11:28-30
I know so many people say, how do you not get bitter? How do you not blame God. And for me, that has never been an option. If we truly know who God is, that God is good, ALL the time…then we know that our struggles and trials do not come from God, it would be silly to blame Him and become bitter at the one person that can truly help us the most during these struggles.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world
John 16:33
When Ryan and I have chosen to thank Jesus through this whole journey, to praise his name for the peace that he has given, for the comfort he has shown, for the strength he helped us with….he has blessed us. The stories are endless to how God brought the right person at the perfect time to calm our hearts, the right message to uplift our spirits, the perfect wisdom in tense moments….He was and is SO faithful. We choose to believe his word and stand on it. We choose to believe that this world is not perfect, and things will happen in our life that we didn’t see coming or maybe would not have chosen for ourselves, but we know that it is not Jesus that brings this on us, but it is Jesus that brings us through it…stronger even than when we started.
If you are struggling with peace in your life, dig into Jesus. Press into the Bible and find out who God is and truly believe His words. Make Him a part of your everyday life and I promise you, peace will start to come. Sometimes the Bible is overwhelming for people who don’t know where to start…if this is what you are thinking than I suggest this devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. My Bible study ladies have introduced it to me and it is amazing how the Lord can speak through others straight to the heart. It’s only a couple of paragraphs each day with verses to back it up.
I’m praying for peace for you and leaving with you with a few pictures from Jules’ sweet celebration…..
A true celebration. We had sparkly jewels for everyone to take to remember our precious Jules and her life!
A great tribute to a special little lady!
The picture of her looking gets me everytime, what a sweetie pie.
and lastly, our final goodbye to our sweet baby girl…..