When I first started this journey, one of my really raw feelings was Lord, am I going to be able to love this little girl even if she looks “different?” Can I look past the deformities? And I would pray, please just let me see her as beautiful.
Well, the Lord must have just been chuckling. He knows a momma can’t think any other way. The minute I met Juliet I was in love with her. She is precious in my eyes and perfect in every way. She may not be perfect the way the world sees it, but she is perfectly made the way God created her…and I can see that.
Ryan’s cousin posted a picture of sweet Juliet after she was born and had this caption on it…which I thought was so fitting..thanks Steve!
The doctors call her condition “Chromosome 18 Trisomy” and they have little hope. God calls her condition “Created in His Image” and He has used this little life to impact many lives already.
We know that Juliet was created for a different purpose. She wasn’t made to stay with us forever, which selfishly is so beyond hard. But when we look at what she has already done for the kingdom, how many lives she has touched, and her precious spirit, we know exactly why God created her. To draw people to Him and glorify Himself through her. What an awesome role to play. And I’m pretty sure she’s going to have a few extra sparkly jewels in her crown when she gets to heaven and she’s going to hear a very loud and clear, Well done little Jules baby, you served me well!
And now I have even more reason to live for heaven…to see my sweet baby girl.
Ryan and I were looking at Jules the other night and Ryan said, “She’s so cool, I love everything about her! ” Here’s the special things we love about our little girl.
Her huge feet! Daddy noticed right away that she has her mommies feet:) They are so long and the 2nd toe is longer than her big toe, just like mommies:) Daddy calls her kanga.
They are precious, club feet and all:)
Her curled up fingers…she still loves to hold our hands, and her blankie..
her tiny little ear…
and most importantly, her kissable lips!!
Yep–she’s perfect:) And a fighter…she keeps eating more and more and is getting a little more vocal as well. We are going to go in to try to see the doctor tomorrow and see how her weight is, we’ll keep you posted:)
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13