Remember how my word for the year is “Prayer?” And remember how I said I was praying for one of my girls that I so desperately love and want to see get married?? Well….an opportunity has presented itself.
Through a series of events that I completely think is a “God thing” a matchmaking opportunity came along. So my friend contacted me one day about an opportunity she saw online of a blog that allows singles to “link up” and share information
that has led to 9 marriages in the course of three years. I got SO GIDDY!! cause I immediately thought, “Molls, let me write a blog for you!” Which came the response. “NO.” I felt so strongly about this opportunity for her that I couldn’t let the thought die. After serious prayer on both ends, and a lot
little convincing….she thought why not, lets give it a try. So this is definitely a first for me (and her actually) and hopefully a last….at playing my hand at being a matchmaker.
Let me introduce you to my friend….Molly.
Molly and I go way back to college days, where we attended Northwestern University, St. Paul. After being friends and getting to live together for a few years, we’ve created a lifelong friendship and have a lot of stories, laughs, and respect for each other. Molly has been there for me through thick and thin and has been a prayer warrior for me through the “Jules” ordeal and sent sweet notes with encouraging words that helped get me through.
So here’s some background on Molly….
1.) She GORGEOUS! (she wasn’t going to let me write that one)
2.) She just turned 30.
3.) She loves Jesus. Seriously, they have a relationship people.
4.) She’s funny, loves to laugh, and always up for an adventure.
5.) She has worked in marketing since college, and has had great experiences and always a good story.
6.) She loves to travel and to stay active, do yoga, and work out, counterbalanced with a love of Chipotle and frozen yogurt. (No wonder she’s my friend!:)
7.) She’s also a girl, so of course she loves to shop, but she doesn’t mind watching sports, especially live.
8.) She’s got an amazing family…you’d hit the jackpot with this one!
9.) Oh, and she’s the sweetest thing…seriously…did I mention that?!? (I’m getting a glare now:)
With that being said…I wanna find this girl a guy.
I think a good guy for Molly would be…
1.) Someone whose got some height to him:) She’s 5’10” without heels so we need at least a 6 footer;)
2.) Let’s keep the age between the late 20’s to late 30’s.
3.) Someone who loves Jesus, like has a relationship ladies…not just says he loves Him.
4.) Fun personality who would laugh with her.
5.) Someone whose not afraid of adventure and having fun.
6.) Above all, husband quality.
I’m passionate about this because Ryan and I got introduced through a third party, who I barely even knew. But she had an “inkling,” And that “inkling” ended up being a God thing. So I’m just asking my readers (whom I love and respect) to help a girl out. And if you read this post and someone “popped” into your mind, even if you think it’s crazy, why not just give them a shout out. Even if you aren’t from the area. We’re up for an adventure:) That’s right…I’m including myself in this one:)
Email [email protected] if you think you have a candidate for my sweet Molly. We’d love a picture and a little background information, and of course we’d love it if he was on board with the idea too:) She really is the sweetest girl ever you guys….I wouldn’t be writing this post if she wasn’t:)
Love you Molls!!
P.s. If you can’t think of can join me and throw up a sweet prayer for this girl too. Cause pretty sure that’s the ticket. It’s all in God’s hands now:)