We’ve had many praises to celebrate this week, that we’d love to pass on to you, because I’m quite sure that many of them are happening because of the prayers of all of you!
We had a doctors appointment last week for Jules. Nothing is really done at these appointments, but it allows us to ask questions and make sure we are doing everything okay. Our first praise is that Juliet put on some weight! It’s not much, and it will need to be quite a bit more in the future in order to keep her healthy, but it’s a step in the right direction. She was born at 4lb. 11.8 oz. At her 1 week she was 4 lbs. 6 oz. and at her four week she weighed in at 4 lbs. 9 oz. So we still aren’t up to birth weight yet. I have to chuckle anytime someone says she’s getting so big:) Pictures are deceiving!
Another huge praise is how Jules is breathing. When we took her in our doctor just looked at her in amazement. She said she had just delivered a full term baby that needed to stay in the hospital for 6 days on oxygen, and then there’s Juliet, who was born with so many complications, and stayed in the hospital for 12 hours and went home without oxygen. We’ve barely even been using any at home since we did receive it. She also said she couldn’t explain how Jules is getting enough oxygen to her lungs because of her severe cleft pallet. Her pallet on her right side is open almost to under her eye socket, leaving a large open area for all of the air to go. In order for her to get enough oxygen to go down to her lungs is nothing short of a miracle….imagine that!
3rd huge praise for this week is two fold. Jules has always loved to suck but because her nostril isn’t open on the left side we didn’t think she could do a nuk. I decided to go online and order a preemie soothie and bottle just to see, and guess what….she loves them!
It’s amazing that even a preemie soothie looks huge!
She also started drinking from a bottle, which means no more syringes!! That makes for one happy mama:)
She’s been drinking more since taking the bottle as well. We are up to about 2 oz every few hours.
Still sporting the Einstein hair:)
So thank you for all of your prayers, it truly is a miracle that we’ve gotten over a month with Jules!
As well as praises we have some amazing blessings we’d love to share as well!
A friend from church let us borrow their fisher price rock n play for Jules and its amazing how much she loves it. Now she at least starts the night in here and gives mom 1-2 hours of sleep before she gets lonely:)
Thanks Anne!
Also, we got a fun package from a lady my dad knows who has been following our story. She sent 3 different slings to try along with some other goodies!!
Thanks Cindy!!
We also got a Moby wrap in the mail that I’ve been dying to try. I love the moby because it works with preemies…..now I just need a tutorial on how to get it on:)
Thanks Audree!
Another fun package we got in the mail was from Erin, who wrote the Halo Sleep Sack company and told them our story. They graciously donated 2 of their swaddle sleep sacks. I have never used these before, but wow are they great. Jules loves being swaddles, snug as a bug in a rug:)
and I just thought I’d show you how “close” sister stays:) She’ll tell me, “mom, I’m gonna watch Jules.” and literally, she does:)
even when she’s not happy:)
I was getting a little sick of the 4 outfits Jules had that fit her, but I haven’t been able to do much shopping lately, so what a huge blessing when a friend asked if I wanted to borrow her girls clothes she had from her twins. We have officially stocked the dresser and moved Jules into her own space!
Thanks Aimee!! I’ve been having so much fun playing dress up:)
The last blessing that I’ll blog on was beyond generous and hard for this girl to accept, but Ryan’s good buddies and spouses all chipped in and spoiled us with this…
The laptop, not the fireplace:) But now I can blog while sitting by the fire…or in bed…or wherever I want. Amazing;) Beyond sweet! It’s also come in handy a few nights at 3 a.m. while I’m up with little miss:) Thanks so much guys!
Although all of this “stuff” make life a little easier, the biggest blessing, and I’ll say it again and again, has been the prayers. I’ve been having hard time knowing how to pray or what to pray for. It seems like I always start, “dear Jesus…..” and then my mind goes blank. So to say that we are relying on your prayers and that they are getting us through is the complete truth, and they are a HUGE blessing! We love you guys so much!