It’s funny how when we commit to growing closer to the Lord, the enemy shakes in his boots. If you don’t believe that there is a darker force in this world, then you should just try it for yourself. The day after I wrote my blog on my 30 day quest to grow closer to God, Tate got sick. Now some may think this just a coincidence, not me. Two days after I wrote the blog my kids started waking up at 7:30…7:30!! I know many of you may be saying I wish my kids would sleep til 7:30, I”m sorry for you. And you may want to close your ears, or in this case, shut your eyes for my next sentence:) My kids sleep til 8:30 and 10:30. Tate being the early bird at around 8:30. And dear sweet Kynlee who loves her sleep as much as her mamma can make it to the 10 o’clock hour before rising. So, the day I wrote the blog I started setting my alarm for 7:30 thinking that I would get at least 30 minutes before any early risers were there to greet me. It worked for one day. After that?? My kids started to get up at 7:30. As for Tate, he was up so much at night coughing…as was mom, that 7:30 didn’t always seem feasible. Coincidence??? I think not.
This is not the first time this has happened to me, and will not be the last I’m sure either. Why?? Because growing close to our Lord is so powerful in the unseen world that Satan will not have it. He will do everything in his power to keep us from Jesus. Another instance that maybe some can relate to. Have you ever gone to a marriage conference, women’s conference…some get away weekend where you grow so much, and then come home and have the worst fights ever with your hubby??? Not a coincidence. Not for me at least.
So, we can either give in to all of the going ons around us and let Satan win…or we can get mad. Get mad at Satan for coming between our relationship with Jesus. Even embrace the fact that he is so scared for us to be close to Jesus because of the influence we can have on others and the intimacy we can have with Jesus that we slap him in the face. Rebuke him in our homes. Declare him to step out of our lives. I actually do this out loud because I believe it is more powerful. I will say things like, “Satan, in Jesus name I demand you leave this house.” Or “In Jesus name I demand the spirits of selfishness, pride, materialism, and impatience leave.” Or even, “Satan, you have no right in this marriage and in Jesus name I pray you leave it alone!” If you say it with authority it’s even better, because the Lord gives us authority over sin, lies, and Satan.
I am writing this blog more for myself than probably anyone else. I DO NOT want to be defeated…and I am choosing not to. I will persvere!! With Jesus help:) Step aside Satan so I may draw closer to my God! I’m hoping you are feeling the same thing:)
On a little lighter note I’ll leave you with a quick little project I got done the other day. I found these tablecloths at Goodwill for $7, later to find out they are still at Target for $20, and thought they would be oh so cute in my office. I turned them into a pillow and added a pop of color! I’m kinda digging them:)
Happy Tuesday everyone and persevere!!