I stumbled across this verse the other day on another sweet blog of a family who just lost their 5 months old to brain damage caused in utero. If you want to read their story, you can find it here.
I found it quite interesting that throughout our whole journey I had never come across this verse. I had read lots of books, blogs, and God’s word and although I found exactly what I needed when I needed it, this verse was not one the Lord revealed to me….until the other day. Here it is..
John 9:1-3 “As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”
I couldn’t help but smile. I smiled because I KNEW that God displayed himself through our little angel girl. I KNEW His name was glorified. I KNEW God used her for a very special purpose. And I smiled because even though there are hard days, and some days where everything seems unfair. Even though I wish my kiddos had a sister to hug and squeeze and I had fuzzy hair to smell and precious little lips to kiss. Even though I desired a baby so bad…..I got to be a part of something SO MUCH greater!
Something AMAZING
Something ETERNAL
And I felt HONORED that God chose us.
That I’M the one that got to hold this precious angel while she was here.
That I’M the one that got to tell her story
That I’M the one that was so blessed by her.
And learned so much from her.
How to TRULY live.
Jules was not MIRACULOUSLY healed, but she was a MIRACLE.
Jules’ body was not PERFECT but Christ’s love was made PERFECT in her.
Jules’ time was SHORT, but her legacy is LONG.
And for that, I smile. Thank you Jesus.