allie • November 4, 2013

And I know there’s a couple:) Maybe just 2. But I’m still gonna write it cause it’s been heavy on my heart:)

When I was in high school, there were cliches.

There were crushes and gossip and bullying and stresses.

 There were academics and sports and expectations and failures.

What I’m trying to say was, there.was.a.lot.

But when I was in high school there was not cell phones (really…I’m not that old!:) There was no social media, there was no access to internet and all the crap that comes along with it at your fingertips any time of the day or night. We just had to deal with relationships that were there, in front of us. Not behind some screen somewhere.

Lately I have been reading articles, hearing stories, and seeing what’s going on in the high school realm that has me so sad. You all are dealing with so much that you shouldn’t have to be dealing with at this point in your life.

And I’m seeing girls compromise.

Compromise their character, their faith, their bodies.

You see, it’s so much easier to be BOLD when your only looking at a screen, not a real person. When you can type things out rather than go through the embarrassment of saying them. When you are in the privacy of your own room and not in a family living room sitting on the couch with someone else. (with your parents close by) And it’s easy to justify it all. It’s only a text. Or a picture. It’s not me, I didn’t actually “do” anything. All of my friends do it. It’s the norm.

And this is when my heart breaks.

When I see how far technology has taken us in such a short time. And it’s just not always good. I see how it can be so easy to get swayed into it. To think your not cool if you aren’t doing it. To think it’s no big deal.

 Girls, I just want to tell you that it is a big deal.

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.

 John 17: 15-18.

 I know that the worldly standards of what is appropriate or correct may have changed, but funny thing, Gods Word still hasn’t. The same truths that applied 100 and even 1000 years ago, still apply. Even with cell phones and internet, and social media. We still are held accountable. Even if it’s pictures we take in our room by ourselves. Even if it’s words we type that we think no one sees.

I can’t imagine the stresses and pressures that are on you girls. I can’t imagine what you go through on a daily basis. And I give you a lot of credit. But I do want to encourage you ladies that there are still mommas out there that are raising boys that value women. That look at them for more than just the instagram pictures they post or how they dress. There are boys out there that look at the heart, and character, and faith a girl has. (And I pray every day for Tate in this area!)

And let me tell you. In the end, this is the kind of guy you want. This is the kind of HUSBAND you want.

God is so faithful, he knows the desires of your heart. He won’t fail you. If you live by his word and follow him and cry out to him, I promise you, He will honor that!!

I will sing of the LORD’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.

Psalm 89:1

Trust me, he did a miraculous act through my marriage and how I met Ryan. If you want to be encouraged you can read it here:)

 And He is also an amazing God of forgiveness, if you think you have done things that you can’t take back. He allows new life and transformation. You are a new creation!!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: [ a ] The old has done, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

I really wanted to write this post to just encourage you. Encourage you to raise your standards higher than what the world says. To live set apart and look different from your peers. To not buy in to the peer pressure around you. To remain pure and holy in an unclean world. I so wish I could allow you all a look into the future. To show you what awaits you. To allow you to realize that high school is just a tiny fraction of your life. To show you that it’s But I can’t. And unfortunately it’s not that easy. But I can tell you that you can use this time in your life to build your character, to grow your relationship with Jesus. To prepare yourself for your spouse. And to not settle for someone or some feeling that doesn’t measure up to what God has for you, if only you’ll trust in Him.


Speech over.


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