So, I’ve been re-working our dining room the last month or so, and it started off with switching the lights out , and then adding a chalkboard wall, and now it’s onto some chairs. I have been wanting to get rid of the black chairs for awhile now, but chairs are so expensive…so they’ve stayed.
I was staying a week at my parents house in Wisconsin and my mom and I were thrifting (surprise!) one day and came across these beaut’s at the Goodwill.
Do you see “potential” written all over it??
I was giddy. They were something new, well not exactly new new, but new to me new, and they were solid, and they were CHEAP! At $10 a chair we loaded them up in a jiffy.
Since I was at my parents in Wisconsin for the week, I decided to tackle them right away. I started by unscrewing the chair seat and taking off that beautiful blue color…
Oh, lucky me! There’s another cover hiding under there! Hip hip hooray.
I must say, these covers were quite nasty, and the person before was staple happy, so by the end of the two chairs I had a pretty good blister forming…
After a lot of man power, I got them off. The chair now looks empty..
I was excited to see how the piping was attached, how easy is that?
I painted by chairs….wait for it…White! and then attached my new piping:)
Next up, seat cover. I had drop cloth at home and decided I would cover the seats in that. I knew I wanted to add something to them, so of course another bit surprise, I decided to add numbers. Sorry for the lack of photos, but I made two large stencils using Modern No. 20 font, cut them out, centered them on my seat and stenciled them on. I wanted the seat to look more like linen, so I stenciled a lot of my paint onto a paper towel first so only a little bit was left on the brush. It gave more of a washed out look instead of a solid black looks.
and that’s how far I got in Wisconsin.
When I got back home, I finished stapling them and distressed the white a bit. Here they are now in all their glory:)
The pop of white looks much better now since the wall is black. I just flip flopped the colors.
Thing 1 and
thing 2.
I just took the power sander to the raised parts to give it the distressed look.
2 Chairs down….4 to go.
Do you spy anything else different in the room??
I”ll share that one next week! And…it’s my favorite makeover lately:)