When Ryan told me that he was going to have to work Mother’s day weekend and wanted to head up to the cabin the weekend after, naturally my mind began to wander as to what project I wanted to tackle. I love working on projects while he is gone, because he tends to get a little “aggitated” when I’m working on them with him around. It’s just best if he comes home and sees the finished project if you know what I mean:) So, this weekend I decided to tackle a project I’ve wanted to finish for a long time…planking behind the settee and in the back nook. Here’s how the wall looked before….
and although it was just fine the way it was, I wanted to pull the planking from the fireplace and behind from the kitchen nook into this area as well. Plus, I had already planked a little wall in the back entry nook and always meant to “finish the job” but sometimes my projects take a little while longer than expected. Due to Whimsy, a ridiculously cold winter (and spring) and a little bun in the oven, I’m finally getting around to it. I decided to take it easy on myself and called our local building supply center and ordered 4-4×8 foot sheets of 1/4″ plywood cut into 5″ strips. Man was that slick! It ended up costing me about an extra $40 than it would at Home Depot, but 1.) It’s 7 miles away and not 40, 2.) it was ready an hour after I called, 3.) The strips were ACTUALLY 5″ from beginning to end, which made the job so so so much easier. The last time I went to Home Depot they said they wouldn’t cut anything smaller than 12″ strips, so I had them do that and then cut them in half at home. The problem was, their saw stands on end, and the plywood is so thin, that the accuracy wasn’t very good, which makes it super hard for hanging level planks if you know what I mean. Ry thought I was throwing away money, but once he saw how nice it worked, and the plywood was actually nicer than the stuff I got at Home Depot, I “think” he was okay with it;)
So, here is the tool list I have for planking walls.
1.) Chop Saw. Seriously, this thing is my best friend. If you don’t have this you can use a circular saw as well.
I was able to put this on our back steps right outside the sitting area so it was so convenient for working.
2.) Air Compressor
We had a bigger one that we would store in the shed but it was a beast to haul in and out of the house. When I saw this little guy it was perfect! I keep him under my stairs and can lift him easily. I think it was around $80 at Menards (so worth the invesment) and the hubs didn’t seem to mind too much since it was a tool;) I think it was actually HIS idea!
3.) A Finish Nailer with hose
This is a pretty nice one, because Ry owned it before I came along:) But I have seen some great package deals you can get the nailer and hose for around $25 at Menards. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy!
4.) A Jigsaw
I forgot to snap a picture of mine, but I found this one online for a mere $14.99! You use this tool to cut around outlets or anything else that may be permanent in your wall.
5. Glue and caulk gun
I’ve used drywall glue as well, but the liquid nails was only around $3 for a huge tube and worked great. I used 2 tubes for my project.
6.) Nails.
Make sure you get the right nails for your gun. Since I was only nailing up 1/4′ plywood, I used 3/4″ nails. I wanted it to go into the drywall and that’s about it. It really just needs to hold the board on til the glue drys, and then the glue does most of the work. This way you are also safe from hitting any wires or important things since it won’t go through the drywall.
That’s it! And your off!
I started my project by edging out the sides first…
I just ripped down the plywood into 3″ strips to make my edge, and then cornered them nicely.
This just gives it a nice finished edge. Some people use the corner board over the top after they are done, but I think this looks a little more custom, and it’s cheaper. Bonus!
This wall had an angle at the end, so I just took a piece of paper, held it flush to the straight wall on top and folded it on the angle to get my angle. Then I drew it on my board and cut them all that way on the end.
These are the areas I was talking about that you may need to pull out your jigsaw. I should also say, on each board I did about 2 strips of glue back and forth, and then nailed about every 10″ top and bottom.
And at the end of day 1, which took me about 2 hours (not bad but didn’t want to over do it for peanut:) I was done with this wall….
and here..
I decided to paint it all at once, so moved everything back in place until I was completely done.
Day 2 went even smoother now that I had my routine down, and I found that I actually love carpentry work!
I wasn’t too worried about my boards lining up at the end, you won’t really notice in the long run.
And onto the door wall.
I edged out my corner the same way as the other side.
I’m loving it already! I ran out of white wood filler so this is as far as it’s gotten until I get more today, and then the paint will go up and I’ll post before and afters. The hubs came home and said, wow! Looks nice…I think you should just stain it. Oh honey, do you know me at all;):)
I’ll keep you in suspense as to if it’ll be wood or white:)
And I really am not one for selfies, but I am one that loves to see baby bumps, so if you follow me on instagram @prvbsthirtyonegirl, you saw this pic I posted a week ago..
I was 24 weeks here. I wish I could say I always look that put together (and coordinate with my bedding:) but unfortunately most days I have on sweats and no makeup with a ponytail. Maybe one day I’ll show you THAT photo…you won’t recognize that girl:) But…I am so beyond excited that peanut is kicking like crazy letting me know all is well. And I am so beyond excited that I get to meet him/her, and I’m REALLY! struggling not knowing what it is!! Ahhh!!!! I think I did this backwards:) We have another ultrasound next week just to make sure everything still looks good and I said to Ry, come on babe, lets just find out. I seriously miss not bonding with babe like I have with my others. Hes.not.budging. In the long run I think it’ll be fun, but for now it’s killing me!!
Hopefully I’ll have some more pics of the cutest little baby ever to show you next week:) Oh, and maybe I’ll finish up these projects one of these days and show you that too! Here’s to hoping! xoxo