I’ve been contemplating writing this post for awhile now, but thought I would share my story. I have told you all how Ryan and I are expecting a sweet little peanut in a few months, and that it took us awhile to get pregnant with this one. It took all the patience I had to wait 5 months to get pregnant. I seriously know that sounds pathetic….but if you know our story at all, Ryan and I seem to get pregnant very quickly. He jokes that he only has to look at me and there’s a bun in the oven:) With Tate we thought we would just go off of birth control and not try, but not not try….if you know what I mean, and we were pregnant that month. ha! After Tate we decided to not go back on the pill just because we weren’t sure how we really felt about the pill, and were hoping to do natural family planning. Apparently I stink at that because we got pregnant when Tate was 6 months old…..and I bawled. Best surprise ever though!!!! And Kynlee came along:) At this point I knew my sanity was on the line and knew it would be a little too much emotionally for this momma to get pregnant again right after Kynlee was born, so we went back on the pill. I know, this is a controversial issue and I’m being super honest about it. For us, we just did what we felt we could, and I knew my limits and how much I could handle. I was reassured it was just fine and we stayed on the pill until we were ready to try again.
This is when the true journey started. We miscarried at Christmas when Kynlee was 3, and seriously got pregnant before I even got my period again. I didn’t realize you were super fertile after a miscarriage. Now I know:) This is when we got pregnant with Jules. So we were blessed with an amazing baby, just a baby that we wouldn’t get to keep, so the journey continued. When we miscarried for the second time, and then had a hard time getting pregnant after, we were confused. We have always gotten pregnant within a month of two of trying….or not trying…if you know what I mean:) I was contemplating going into the doctor to see if I could get anything to help aid in the process, but just didn’t have a peace about it. That’s when I decided to look into oils that could possibly help. I have had such a great experience with essential oils, that I thought why not give it a try. It was seriously the first month I started to use the oil combination that I got pregnant with sweet peanut:)
Now I was hesitant to write this post because I don’t want to give false hope to people, yet I do want to bring some hope. Throughout this journey I have encountered so many women who have dealt/are dealing with infertility. And my heart breaks. I don’t understand it. I know Jesus’ heart breaks with them as well. Some things in this world are just so unfair. Ryan and I obviously haven’t dealt with infertility, it was just taking us awhile to get pregnant this last time. I guess I just thought anything was worth a try, especially something all natural. And since I have had such amazing results with the oils before this, and then got pregnant the first month using them, I couldn’t not share. So here’s what I did to help aid in getting pregnant.
I found a “recipe” for fertility for Gary D. Young, the founder of Young Living Essential oils. It was a custom blend of Clary Sage, Fennel, Geranium, and Cypress.
My thought behind this was:
1.) I have had amazing results with essential oils and was curious to try it.
2.) I already had fennel, and I knew clary sage was a great oil for period cramps so it would be a great one to have on hand anyway.
3.) It was a small investment to give us hope:) It cost about $120 at wholesale cost for all 4 essential oils.
I did an equal mixture of all four oils. I had small bottles I bought for samples, and glass droppers to get the oils into the bottle. I didn’t add a carrier oil, I used it straight up. I then applied a drop to the inside of my wrists, the inside and outside of my ankle as well as the Achilles tendon (These are supposedly the reproductive vita-flex points I learned:) And also on the lower back and lower abdomen across your hips. Trust me when I say you will smell very “earthy” for a week. I told Ry to get used to the smell. And he should actually appreciate it…if you know what I mean. You are supposed to start using the oils on the last day of your period, morning and night for a week. We were pregnant that month. Just saying.
If you are interested about essential oils and want to become a distributor so you are able to buy at wholesale costs, you can check out my blog I wrote about that here. Or feel free to contact me if you want to learn more:) I seriously pray for all of those mommas trying to get pregnant. I’m not guaranteeing this will work for you, I just couldn’t help but share our story:)