I started this blog hoping that I had something to share with you, with whoever decided to read it, and really to help myself with accountability into the kind of woman I desire to be. Intimidation seems to set in with me a lot when I am talking to people so writing can be a better outlet for me. But as I sit here on Monday I find myself feeling like I have nothing to share. Feeling like why would people want to hear or really listen to what I have to say? I feel like a hopeless sinner some days just getting by in this world. Today is kind of one of those days.
I love Sundays…You get to be encouraged, surrounded by a family of believers, challenged by a great message, spend quality time with your family…and then comes Monday. A week full of laundry, dishes, cleaning, dirty diapers, meal-planning, etc. etc, seemingly meaningless tasks….and all of that encouraging and challenging bit seems to fade away. All of the ambition I had while I was sitting in church the day before seems a long way away.
So today I tell myself that this is going to be a different Monday, yes the laundry still needs to get done and the dirty diapers need to get changed (Kynlee thanks me) and I will plan meals for my family…but I will do so glorifying God, giving praise to the one who created these two little joys that run around at my legs and demand my attention. Today I will crank my praise and worship music on high and remember what my true task is in living on this world, to glorify the most amazing God . The one who does not demand our attention but desires us to draw near to him, even when we are washing sheets that got peed on the night before. Thank you Jesus:)
So my challenge to you today is join me in this endeavor, to make Mondays different. To not fall into the complacency that so easily can take us over, that many times has taken me over! To praise Jesus with your children, to show them what worshiping looks like! And to thank Jesus for his amazing Grace he lavishes on us!
Here’s a song that helps me get focused and starts my foot on the right path, I hope you enjoy and pray that your Monday, this Monday, is different!!
P.S. It sounds really good cranked up high!