Look at me getting all smart this week haha! Books were the highlight of the week is you can't tell by the photo above LOL. I share the details below of what I liked about each of them specifically. All for very different uses but all favorites. Plus a home related thing too because it wouldn't be a weekly favorites post without something home related right?!
Where The Crawdads Sing. I read a lot and the majority of the reading is my bible reading or devotional studies which I love so much but I was craving a novel that I could get lost in while reading. Well this New York #1 best seller book did just that. I think I read the whole thing in 3 days, I couldn't put it down. The story line pulls you right in with the mystery. I would recommend it for a adult novel book most definalty. Click HERE to look.
Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons. This book has been a staple in our familys homeschool journey. They focus on the basics with color-coated sections for clarity and easy delivery to understand. Each lesson takes about 20 minutes which is so helpful in the busy homeschool day. I'm currently working on this book with our youngest, Ruby! It is amazing how much more they feel confident and independent as the lessons go on. If your little is showing curiosity in reading, grab this book! Click HERE to look.
Window/Door Awning. I think I convinced Ryan to put these on top of each door of our 2 huge sheds we recently gave a big face lift by painting them. This is my exact vision, the dark coloring and the tin roof to tie everything in together so nicely. I think Ryan is going to build ours but if you aren't able to build yourself here is one that can easily be purchased! I mean how cute?! Click HERE to look.
A Book Of Revelation. Read all about my thoughts and the book of Revelations in this blog post.
Click HERE to look..
Women's ESV Study Bible. I'm pretty sure you've seen and heard me share this bible before. My favorite bible of all time. The leather outside with the "word-for-word" accuracy and deep meaning, is hard to beat. As always I 100% recommend this everyday bible.
Click HERE to look.