** This blog post is affiliated with Masterspas but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
We got a HOT TUB!! a total dream come true for our family.
A little back story - We had a hot tub a couple years after we had bought this house, well it happened that hot tub broke. We were all so sad because we used it all the time! Ryan has always been a huge hot tub lover! And when we fixed up the mancave we actually created the deck with these two long stairs that went to nowhere, hoping to put a hot tub there. Well, 8 years later and it's finally happening:)
We didn't know if we'd enjoy one more at home or at the cabin. If you've been around for a while you may remember that we did recently get a inflatable hot tub for out at the cabin and we've so enjoyed that. We did come to the conclusion though that we would like to have a real one our at our homestead. We would use it much more in the colder months as we are home most at that time of year.
And about a month ago the opportunity came along with Master Spa eeeekkk!! and were we over the moon excited!!
In such perfect timing it happened to be right around the time that we were getting our driveway pad concrete poured so we decided to have them pour a slab for the hot tub while they were here.
We had envisioned it in this very spot. It is a little bit more tucked away on the side of the hill which is nice so we can stay out of the wind, and it butts up right to the man cave deck...
Everything lined up so seamlessly, we were so excited we just couldn't wait! Ryan started right away on building the deck to go around the hot tub, continuing the hog fencing, built the stairs and I focused on the man cave area and all of the pretty stuff such as string lights, spray painting the fencing, finding the perfect fitting patio furniture and making it cozy!
You all know how fast Ryan works he whipped this area up so quick (he was just a little bit excited too so that helped to get us moving faster)... This was fun for us because we never even furnished or used this man cave outdoor space much before and it has some of the prettiest views of our property so we were eager to finally pull it together!
I hung up this board with several hooks for towels. We grab a towel from inside the house and take them back in with us when we are done but I wanted somewhere to put the towels so they don't get wet if they are on the ground around the tub! This spot worked out to be a great fit!
Can you tell by those smiles how much they love this?! Our kids love to be in water, they have always been little fish.
Now everyday even when it has been warmer outside they still ask if they can go sit in the hot tub. Not only do they love it but it has become our nightly routine to all hop in there together. Someone messaged me on Instagram and said at a homeschooling conference she went to a speaker said to get a hot tub because so much good conversation happens in them as a family. I loved hearing that because it's so true, and we will always invest in opportunities to strengthen our family!
When deciding which one would be the best fit for our family we came across the Clarity Precision 8 Spa and it checked off everything on our list! We wanted one that could fit everyone comfortably, this one seats 7-8 people with plenty of open space to fit very comfortable. And Masterspas was amazing to share a coupon with you all as well!
When using this link you can get special deal of $500 off a hot tub, yay!!
The waterfall feature is a favorite for the kiddos!
Ryan and I's favorite it the jets, oh yes please. With 48 jets total in the tub the neck and shoulder relief is amazing after a hard days work! The pressure from the jets can be soft or powerful, which ever you prefer when relaxing...
Not only does it have EcoPur Filtration a huge bonus, it is always Energy Efficient. They use better insulation for this specific hot tub that helps with low energy costs... When selecting your spa brand and model you can easily see an estimate on how much a masters spas hot tub will cost to maintain which is so helpful when budgeting in the overall cost. I love that Master Spa gives that option.
From the design aspect I so appreciate that the customer is able to pick the coloring of the tub you are going with, I mean we all know it have match LOL. Once we decided on the Clarity Precision 8, I easily selected the colors. We went with the standard Sterling Silver on the inside. For the outside we went with DuraMaster Midnight. Oh do I love the midnight black! We knew from the beginning that the right side out be seen and I was so pleased that they had black as an option for exterior..
Our little slice of heaven on earth. We are so grateful to be able to enjoy this space and our hot tub on the daily!