I’ve been enjoying a few blogs lately that have been having a 1 room, 3 ways party, and decided to join them!
I thought this would be a fun post to show the evolution of our kitchen. And also good to show you that a room doens’t usually come together all at once. At least for me it doesn’t. It ends up evolving. Sometimes due to budget, sometimes due to my tastes changing, and mostly due to when inspiration strikes.
So, here’s our kitchen when we first moved in…
Then, after a good 4 months of demo-ing and re-doing, it turned into this…
and it’s funny how at the time I thought it was so complete. I mean, we did go from doing our dishes in the bathtub to actually having a real sink and real countertops! All of the basics were there, but the personality wasn’t quite where I wanted it to be yet.
I got a little bit closer by taking off some cabinet doors, you can find that post here…and painting our mini island, you can find that post here….oh, and the skirted sink I added as well. And you guessed it, it’s drop cloth:) All of these changes were almost free but added so much more of my style and personality into the room.
but it wasn’t quite done yet…
The last picture I added a shelf above the window, the chalkboard backsplash and cafe curtains, you can find that post here...
Here again I made a drastic difference with all about a $35 price tag!
And that’s where the room sits for the time being. I can actually say that now when I look at her, I”m in love:) I’m sure there will be tweaks here and there, but at least now I feel like my personality fits the room.
On a budget.
Oh, and I did add the board and batten as well in the eating area…
For another $35:) You can find that post here...
So don’t worry if your room doesn’t feel pulled together yet. It.takes.time. And you don’t want to rush into something just to redo it later…or maybe you do, cause I do it all the time:) I’m learning, and hopefully you are too!:)