Do you find yourself often wishing you could
change your home but don’t have the means?
That’s how I felt too. Until I decided I could be the one to do it myself. Without ever having touched a power tool, I taught myself how to tile, wire a light, put up wall treatments, and so much more and cut the cost of projects in half by not having to pay contractors! You can too! Feel free to look around, read the tutorials, see the before & afters, and be encouraged along the way! I’m so very glad you are here!
We’ve been on an amazing adventure the last 15 years and God has continually guided our way. We aren’t always sure where it’s going to take us or what it will look like, but we do know that His way is ALWAYS the best way! We are so glad you’re here with us.
Come along
on the journey with us!
We’ve been on an amazing adventure the last 15 years and God has continually guided our way. We aren’t always sure where it’s going to take us or what it will look like, but we do know that His way is ALWAYS the best way! We are so glad you’re here with us.
A new journey
has just begun!
This year we took a leap of faith and Ryan quit his full time corporate job! We felt God calling us to invest more in our family and in others. We aren’t quite sure what that looks like yet, but I guess that’s why they call it faith! We appreciate so much the support of you being here.
3 years ago we took a leap of faith and Ryan quit his full time corporate job! We felt God calling us to invest more in our family and in others. We aren’t quite sure what that looks like yet, but I guess that’s why they call it faith! We appreciate so much the support of you being here.
To Keep Up To Date With My Daily Life
To Keep Up To Date With My Daily Life
I truly believe God has gifted each of us with a unique set of gifts that can be used to glorify Him. I love to use the gifting of design and DIY to create a safe haven for my family and a home that is not only beautiful, but also attainable at any budget.
Allie Lundeen
of DIY Projects
Instagram Followers
Years of Blogging
An unexpected journey with amazing results!
I went to college to be an elementary teacher, and after I graduated I taught full time for 3 years. Soon after Ryan and I were married we found ourselves expecting our first baby, and I knew then I could never go back to a full time job. My heart was to be with my babies at home. And although I wanted to be home full time with them, I never in a million years would have dreamed that I would homeschool them.
I went to college to be an elementary teacher, and after I graduated I taught full time for 3 years. Soon after Ryan and I were married we found ourselves expecting our first baby, and I knew then I could never go back to a full time job. My heart was to be with my babies at home. And although I wanted to be home full time with them, I never in a million years would have dreamed that I would homeschool them.
But as the years went on and our firstborn was old enough to go to school, I couldn’t find it in me to put him on the bus and let someone else have him for 8 hours a day. It was then that we decided to keep our babies home. It hasn’t been easy all the time, but it has been so very rewarding. And we have seen God’s hand in it all. As culture drifts further and further away from God we are grateful to be able to foster a different upbringing with our family and their education. One that is centered around God and family, values and morals.
I wrote a blog post of the why behind our decision that goes more into depth, and also highlights what a day in our house looks like, how homeschooling is different from public school, the benefits and struggles, and also the links to curriculum and resources we use.
Meet Our kids
As you follow along you’ll see a lot of these four cute faces! Tate, is our oldest at 16, and is a tinkerer, outdoors man, and yes man. He loves anything outside, can turn a stick into a dozen different toys, and always wants to make his momma happy! Kynlee is 15 and is consumed by crafting. She loves to create, design, and sew! I think she’s following in her mom’s footsteps and tends to be my little sidekick and videographer often! Beckett is 10 and has the biggest heart. He’ll smile if you look at him and is so very sweet to his little sister Ruby. Dinosaurs, legos, and cars have his heart. And sweet Ruby Sue is the final addition to our family. She’s 7 and spends her day mothering all of her babies and making sure they are well loved. She’s goofy, silly and oh so lovable!
Meet Allie
Welcome to my safe space of family, faith, and design, I’m so glad you’re here! My heart is to encourage, inspire, and teach using the tools God has gifted me with and what He has taught me along the way! Join along and let’s learn, grow, and shine bright together!
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We’d love to have you!
Make sure to sign up to receive my newsletters, blog posts, encouragement, deals and so much more! Follow along on instagram @proverbsthirtyonegirl to see what’s happening in our daily life, get a better peek into our family, and pray daily with us!
Stay tuned for fun launches
coming in the future! We can’t wait!
Stay tuned for fun launches
coming in the future!
We can’t wait!