The proverbs31girl office was actually the first to get to get decked for the holiday season this year!
I haven't started first in here before, but it was so fun because the space is so much smaller compared to the house. So, I felt like I conquered and accomplished so much in this day because this area was decked out in less than a day!
Come on in to the cozy little office! This space is now living to its fully potential becoming the proverbs31girl headquarters about a year ago! It was just meant to an office!
Details on the tree.
Sadly quite a few of the ornaments that I have are a couple years old, usually from Target that they no longer carry. So, if I don't have them linked that means I can go longer find them.
I've had this Christmas tree for a while now. It being the first year that this what use to be the guest house now turned into the Proverbs31girl office, I remembered I had this Christmas tree. It is the absolute perfect fit for in here. It's like it was made for in here.
On the center table all I did was add this wooden star with a few different condiments to spice up this table just a tab.
This garland I snagged from West Elm when it was on clearance. I used 2 and a half of them to make the asymmetrical look over the windows. Let me tell you, they are insanely durable and strong. Cutting the 3rd one in half took quite the will power LOL.I used the rest of what I had outside one the front arch heading into the office, you may have seen that in the first photo!
I made a bow, found some bells, strung a string of lights throughout the garland and she is all let!
This office is the coziest little nook. I often find myself escaping to this space as it really does feel like a Christmas wonderland in this little snow globe.
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