Dear Jesus,
Thank you for this beautiful gift of life you have put inside of me. She is precious and perfect in every way. Maybe not the way the world would see her, or the medical professionals, but knit together perfectly the way you designed her. Designing her for a special purpose to serve on this earth, glorifying your holy name. I pray Lord that in the weeks to come you would use her in a mighty way, as well as our family. I pray that through this gift you have given us we may touch people that come in our path. I pray for the nurses and doctors that will deliver us and witness this little package. I pray that they see your mighty hand in all of it. And I pray that we may give thanks through it all for the short or long moments that we get to spend with Jules. Give us the strength to enjoy the time we have and to glorify your name. Above all Lord I pray that you continue to hold Jules in your mighty hands and allow her to feel all the love we have for her in the short time we may get with her. We give Jules and this situation to you daily. Thank you for your faithfulness and love.
Psalm 89:1
1 I will sing of the LORD’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.Psalm 91:4
4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.