Dear Juliet….

allie • August 8, 2012

Dear precious Jules,

This is your momma:)  I’ve come to terms that I may  not hear that phrase come out of your mouth, but so hope you know how much I love you.  I want you to know that you are strong!  You are a fighter!  and you continue to defeat the odds.  You are 32 weeks today.  We have known that you were special for about 6 weeks now, and although we have had time to learn/understand/adjust…it still doesn’t make it much easier.  Your doctors say that they just keep waiting for the call, but every night I smile when your kicks keep getting stronger and stronger.  Thank you for letting momma know that you are hanging on.  It’s those times that I wish I could just take you right out and snuggle you in my arms and kiss your cute little forehead, and whisper in your ear how much I love you.  For now I’ll just keep telling you through my belly.  Your brother and sister love you so much too.  Kynlee loves to rub you and Tate loves to feel you kick.  You usually kick right after he takes his hand off and he says that’s because you miss him.  They tell you often too how much they love you.  Today Tate thought it would be so cool if I could just open my mouth and not say anything but you could talk through it.  Then he said we could hear you, since you can hear us:)  He’s a really cool boy, he’s gonna be a great big brother to you.  I want you to know how many people love you and are praying for you.  God has a special plan for you little lady.  We are trusting Him for that.  Someday you’ll know, and someday I’ll know.  But for now, just keep kicking, okay? Lots of love baby girl!!


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