allie • February 7, 2017

You guys, I feel like I’ve been using the hashtag, #makingroomforrubysue forever over on my instagram account @prvbsthirtyonegirl.  And I feel like this project has been going on FOREVER.  In all honesty, with doing 90% of the work ourselves, it’s probably pretty good that we are wrapping up one floor within 8 months! ha!  That sounds like such a long time:)  But….there are definite perks to taking your time.  One, I’ve realized that as I get to gaze at the ever blank walls I have time to really think how I want the space to work.  My vision has changed many times over the last 8 months.  Also, you have time to pay for it as you go.  We had saved up a nice big chunk to work with, but unfortunately all of the big bills (septic, concrete, excavating, etc…) come first, so that soon was gone.  Besides have some purchases on a 0% for 2 year home depot card, and some on a menards card, we are really trying to pay as we go.  We will have to pay catch up a bit once whimsy rolls around again, but we are so grateful we didn’t have to refinance or take out a loan to do this project.  With that being said, we have been really budget conscience and tried to get creative;)  We picked a couple of areas to splurge on, and the rest to save on:)
Okay, now for the fun stuff.  We moved into our room about 3 weeks ago now.  And when I say “moved in” it really was just a means to get Ruby in her own room, because ours was not near done.  But….done enough for a bed.  And you guys, ever since Ruby has had her own room I kid.you.not. she has slept through the night EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!!  Like this is an amazing miracle that occured.  She had not gone more than 1-2 nights before this.  And not only sleeping through the night, but sleeping until 8 AM!!  What the what???  All I can say is $60,000 is a small price to pay for sleep. ha!  For real though, Praise Jesus!

So, since our room isn’t done, I thought I’d show you the sweetest nursery in all the land.  Ruby moved into Kynlees room, and I seriously had to barely do a thing.  I swapped her crib in where Kynlees bed is, moved in a chair we had, and re-arranged a bit.  This room was made to be a nursery….and Ruby is loving it;)

Heres a peek from the hallway…

There isn’t a closet in this room but it’s amazing to have the whole dresser all for ruby.

It’s more than enough room for all of her itty bitty clothes.

and this chair was in Tate and Becketts room before it found it’s home here. I love the white on white. Shocker:)

I love the fact that these floors and that door are over 100 years old and still standing strong. They add such character to this space. They are both painted in Benjamin Moore’s simply white.

and the canopy fits perfect over Rubys crib:)

and for all of you that are confused by the “K”, we nicknamed Ruby, Kuby so I don’t have to switch it :) haha…teasing. That’s just not a project on the top of my list:)

and looking out into the hallway makes me soo happy because FINALLY you can’t tell where the old ended and the new started!!

The exterior window used to be right here. It was an eye sore for 6 months. We got it covered up and I extended the board and batten that ran in the hallway to make it flow.

and then theres this. Our own bedroom!!

This is the state it was in when we moved in three weeks ago.

Not terrible looking here…

Some work to be done here…but wait for it…

The part that drives me CRAZY!!!! Tools everywhere! It’s come a long way in three weeks and almost ready for some fun after pictures. We are just working on a few things. You guys, this window bench though?!? I’m in love. It can store up to SIX rubber maids!! And I have all of the families off-season clothes in there, as well as luggage and room to spare. Huge win!! Ryan built the frame in a matter of a couple of hours, and then I just used 1/4″ plywood to face it, and then trimmed it out with 1×4’s . Easiest project ever and it really only set us back probably a total of $100, and the majority of that came from the piano hinges and nice plywood for the seat. Custom cabinetry doesn’t have to be expensive or perfect. Seriously…try it yourself, you’ll be amazed:)

And this was the state of our bathroom at the time of the move.

Yep, I closed the door on that one.

That’s come a long way too.  I can’t wait to show you!!!  Our master bedroom blog is coming next:)  Stay tuned….

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