Although I’ve realized that neither Juliet or I have stepped outside our front door since we came home Tuesday, we fit quite a bit into our days. This morning it started out with a sun bath…
Jules started to get a little yellow so we are trying to get that vitamin D working in her favor. I must say, she loved being perched on her little throne sitting in the warm sun.
After that the nurse came to visit and check her heart and lungs. She sounded good. Her breaths are a bit shallower and faster, but other than that we all got to listen to her heart pumping away. The nurse also hooked us up with some oxygen that we can use to keep her comfortable. We just set the nose insert on her blanket. So far so good:) We also got a billy blanket to use, we haven’t put our glow worm in it yet.
After that mom and Jules took a tubby. She loved it. I put her on me with a wash rag over her and then kept pouring warm water on the rag. She would just sigh every once in awhile. She was so content. These are priceless memories for me. I could’ve stayed in there all night with her.
After that we spent a good long while snuggling..(oh wait, we do that all day:) and then made it to Jule’s favorite spot. It just so happens to be mine as well!
To top off the day we got some beautiful flowers!! Thanks so much Rydbergs and Ness’s! They helped to celebrate Jule’s 4th birth day.
Tate says now she’s as old as he is:) Happy 4th day sweet Jules! We love you to pieces!