Life Goes On….

allie • July 9, 2012

I realized something crazy this last week.  Even though you can receive some of the hardest news you’ve ever been given, life goes on.  People go about their normal lives around you and I tend to look at them with jealousy quite frequently.  I continue to function, dishes have to be done, kids have to be fed…a house has to be kept up.  But always at the back of my mind is, life is so different.  I truly again thank each of you from the bottom of my heart that have sent a card, commented, or told me how often you have been praying.  I can’t believe how many people have told me they wake up in the middle of the night praying for us.  Sometimes I so wish I could peek into the spiritual realm and see what you precious saints are all fighting off for us.  Because I can feel it.  But every once in awhile the enemy still sneaks in.

As I was laying in bed last night I realized how often since we’ve received the news that I just pretend everything is normal.  For the most part the pregnancy has been like my others, precious Jules has been kicking away, and I tell myself everything will be fine.  But then there are times that reality hits.  Sometimes it’s when Kynlee will randomly say mom, I want Baby Jules to go up to Jesus and get better and then come live with us. Me too babe!  But mostly it’s when I’m alone with my thoughts and selfishness seeps in.  I want a sister for my baby girl that’s getting so big already.  I want to see little Jules run around with Tate and Kynlee like they were last night giggling and chasing each other.  I want to snuggle a little baby so bad that doesn’t have tubes coming out of her and stuck in a hospital.  In that fact, I just want to snuggle a live baby.  Will I get to hold her alive??

And then Jesus meets me.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

and I cling to these words…and the amazing prayers from you all!!  Our new motto is one day at a time.  It’s hard to not think about the future but with it being so uncertain all we can do is take it one day at a time.  One kick at a time:)  A week has never felt longer.

So if you continue to pray we just ask for strength to face each day, from a shield of protection over the enemies arrows that try to attack us, and the we continue to hand Jules over to Jesus and allow him to use her in a mighty way.

Also, with this being said…we are going to try to resume somewhat normal life.  More for the fact that we need time to continue on without being drug down with the reality of what may lay ahead.  So, I’m going to continue to blog on home decor, and will also update you with how Jules is doing.  We are planning on having our next Whimsy sale July 26th and the 28th and hope that we see some of your beautiful faces:)  For now I’ll leave you with a few fun pictures from this week away up north.

They keep telling everyone that they got to ride a fish…the looks they get are great:) This is what they meant:)

Through it all our family has never been closer. Thank you Jules for that blessing!

At a local resort on Rainy Lake they had a huge birdcage the kids could swing in…

They loved it.

They also got to feed the chipmunks…

and ride one:)

We are BLESSED!!!

Love to you alll:)

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