My Must Have Paint Supplies

Allie • August 25, 2022

My Paint Supply Must Haves

Since it seems like we've been painting left and right for what seems like the whole entire summer, wait who am I kidding we have been;) Sheds, Garage, Camper you name it I'm pretty sure we've painted it in the last few months LOL.

With that being said the questions regarding painting have been rolling in so I thought I should probably share my must haves and the  products that are my tried and true favorites in the painting world!

Spraying / Sprayers

Ryan and I have tried out many, many, many different paint sprayers over the years. Some being winners and some not.

When it was time to paint our BIG shed's this summer (if you missed the blog post on that and the entire painting process, view that here!) it is a no brainer that we were going to spray this large of a shed. If there is the option to use a sprayer vs. a brush I will pick sprayer any day. Spraying give you a smoother coat and gives more of a full coverage finish that would take a brush more time to achieve.

Exterior spraying is great too because there is not usually a need to be as careful with covering every inch of your surroundings.

We purchased a more durable (for large painting projects) sprayer for this shed. We went with the Graco Magnum ProX17 Airless Paint Sprayer. If you do quite a bit of painting in big amounts this is an investment to look into, letting you do more work in less time. 

For smaller projects such as a single stall garage, campers or furniture. I use this HomeRight Spray Gun. Now I have had my losses with hand gun paint sprayers. I tried a new one this summer and I clogged up within minutes of painting and I was not impressed. So I went back to my tried and true. Very user friendly. Perfect for DIY. Adjustable setting such as a knob to increase for decrease the flow of the paint, and more. If you are searching are a solid DIY paint sprayer this is what I'd recommend to you. I recently discovered this Wagner Sprayer that I've been pleasantly surprised with it. It holds more paint than the HomeRight one which I liked. This one is even more price friendly too, win win!

Black Windows Spray Paint

Let's talk black windows. Our house has 'had' all white windows. Well years back I wanted a change but was not willing to spend the pretty penny of what getting new black windows would be, I thought lets just try to spray paint one window.

It worked. I fell in love. Now majority of my windows I like to turn black.

I use Canon Black Rust-Oleum Sprayer Paint.

What I do is tape off the window and cover it with plastic wrap. Spray the part of the window you desire to be black. Let it dry. Take off the tape and covering. TA DA, you now have a pretty black window!

Rub N Buff

My favorite secret weapon. I don't remember how many years ago I discovered this magical stuff but it's been changing my life ever since. Do you ever feel like in your home there needs to be just a little extra pop of something to a space or item etc. Well I felt like that and didn't always want to spend $ on something new to spice up said place. Rub N Buff is the ticket!

I love adding rub n buff paint to faucets and knobs especially! Because it isn't always in the budget to get a new faucet or door knob but adding this makes it feel just like you did! I would recommend using a clear polyacrylic sealer on a faucet or something that gets a lot of use as eventually it will wear in the places with a lot of contact.

I typically use the European Gold. I've tried other gold colors and like them but the European is my all time favorite with the perfect warm tone to it.

Trim / Edging Brush

I'm not too particular on specific paint brushes for wall painting as I found they are all very similar but when It comes to trim painting for edging I have a must have brush. This one Prudy Angular Trim Painting Brush. It gets in the cracks well without struggle to fill.

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