New Panes

allie • February 26, 2013

This arrived in the mail yesterday and I got giddy!

I know…you’re probably saying what is that??

Well, before we moved we had just gotten new windows, and I loved them. I was happy that the house we moved to had newer windows, and that they were double hungs….but they didn’t have the grids that I loved. Our old ones looked like this…

They just had grids in the top.

I went over to a friends house one night and saw that she had added grids to her windows. I loved it and she said it was so easy!

So I went on the New Panes website and quickly ordered myself the medium sampler kit to try it out for myself. I loved them so much that I just ordered the rest to finish our upstairs, and our guest house.

So…how does new panes work? Well, you get these connectors….

I used one for each window, except for in the guest house when I did the whole window and did two. These cost $.69 a piece…what a splurge:)

Then, you receive this pvc that you cut and put on the ends…

I just used a scissors and was able to complete all of my windows within an hour. I would recommend that you cut the pieces just a tiche longer than needed so you can trim to a perfect fit.

So, what exactly do these do?? Well, here are Kynlee’s windows before…

and after adding the new panes…

It’s not a huge difference, but it adds a bit more character. The pvc pieces are 2.99 a piece, and I figured it takes about 1 1/2 to do each window, so these 2 windows cost me under $11. What I really love is that you also see them from the outside of the house. It really looks like we got all new windows when you drive up:)

Here’s one more example….

The guest house before…

and now with new panes:)

and this is how it looks on the outside…

To get them to stick you put little pieces of double stick velcro on the cross piece so they easily pop on and off for cleaning!

And here’s how a little bit more of the house looks with the new windows:)

I love how well they show up!

So, our new windows cost us $140 to do the whole house and guest house. I didn’t think that was too bad:) And that was with shipping x2, so if you really think you’re gonna want do your whole house, I would try to order in one package since shipping is $10-$15.

Putting grids in only the top pane was also cost effective for us, but this wouldn’t work if you had crank outs or sliders since there is no division. They do have corners you can buy so you could make a surround for the area, but again, that would be more money. Please let me know if you have any questions! For now, I’m just enjoying looking out my new “old” windows:)

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