Okay, I’m going to be honest with you. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the controversy of oils. I feel a much bigger responsibility to inform myself and you on the oils now that I am referring people to them and I am just so overwhelmed. I by no means want to steer you in a wrong direction, hurt your health, or push something on you. Please know that. I just seriously loved the oils and how they have worked for my family. I love that I have barely had to give my children Tylenol in the last year or take them in for ear aches. I love that we have completely eliminated cough syrup and long nights of pain and coughing.
But I AM NOT a certified aromatherapist. I have not took courses. I only know from experience.
Lately this article was presented to me, and to be honest I was so over all the controversy that I didn’t read it right away. When I finally took the time to read it, it was actually quite interesting..
I must say that I HAVE NEVER felt the least bit sick after ingesting oils in water. But…I don’t know the chemistry behind the oils and if the potency over time would have an effect? I really, really, just want you to know that I am not trained, I am just an oil user who loves the results.
Please do your own research if you are skeptical or have concerns.
And that’s all I’m going to say about the controversy. I have started with Young Living because of some awesome people that I respect that graciously introduced me to them. I love the results. I have invested in quite a bit already and have not ever felt uncomfortable with the quality, company, or results.
Please feel free to find a company that fits you! If you like Young Living and want to know how to get started, you can read more here.
To end on a good note, I’m going to tell you my favorite oil that I have used so far, and it’s actually the first oil that I’ve had to buy again because
1.) we use it quite often, and
2.) The results are so good for me I loan it out to others to try when they have sick kiddos.
and the oil is….
Here’s a little more information as to what’s in R.C. and how it’s used….
This oil has had us completely throw out all of our cough syrups for the kids. You know that annoying dry cough the kids can get where they cough all night long…or where they cough so hard it sounds like they’ll throw up?? Or when their chest is so tight it seems hard for them to breath? Yeah..this is the oil for that. Seriously, if I put this on my kids when they have a cough before bed, they will sleep through the night until morning before I have to reapply. Just last week Tate was coughing so hard I thought for sure he would throw up, and of course he was still sleeping somehow through it. But I wasn’t . Every time I heard a cough I held my breath hoping he didn’t throw up. Until finally I got my lazy peach out of bed and rubbed oils on him. With R.C. I don’t dilute it (usually just because it’s in the middle of the night and I”m lazy) and it’s never burned or irritated my kids skin. Some people say though that no matter what oil it is you should dilute with kids, your desecration. Anyway, I put a drop on each foot, and then rub a drop on their chest and a drop on their spine. I’ve noticed a big difference when I’ve used it on the chest AND spine, it seems to work a lot faster. That night Tate coughed one more time about 2 minutes after I put the oils on and then I didn’t hear him the rest of the night. True story. And we’ve had that happen the exact same way at least a dozen times.
Ryan is even a believer. He took Tate up to the cabin when he had a cough and I forgot to pack R.C. for him. He called when he got to the cabin and asked if I had packed the oils, hoping I had. Unfortunately I forgot, so he went out and got cough syrup. He came home and said, “That cough syrup didn’t do a thing for him. Next time pack the oils:)”
And he’s a skeptic. We love this oil. Unfortunately it doesn’t come in the start up pack, but if you are a distributor or know someone who sells and can get it at wholesale, it’s only $21.00. Our bottle lasted us a year before we replaced it and we loaned it out quite a bit. This one I would definitely say is worth the investment.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me, you can find my information under the contact me tab at the top of the page.
I’m going to get back to blogging on DIY and house projects next week, with an occasional testimony of oils in there. If you are over the oils blogs….don’t worry, they’ll be at a minimum:)