Allie Lundeen • May 18, 2023

Our latest home addition

This project has been so fun! It all started with moving our propane tank to not be so visible RIGHT next to the house and office. I've wanted to move that since we moved in years and years ago. Moving the tank meant it"s the perfect spot to now add some green!!

See, not cute LOL. It was time for it to be moved to a more hidden area. Meaning a line needed to be trenched under the driveway, to the other side where this tank will now live. He had to dig down two feet for a gas line and while he was digging with the trencher he found So.Many.Rocks! That we definitely used for some of the landscaping of the garden!

*So thankful Ryan has his HVAC degree and can do all these things carefully!

After that large project was done, Ryan leveled everything for me and it was time to place the planters!

One of the biggest reasons to committing to a garden, is the girls have been begging for one! Last year they started with raspberry bushes and were immediately hooked on the whole concept!

So as it being a "all hands of deck" project the girls took major ownership and built the raised beds as soon as they arrived!

They are very easy they but together just a bit time consuming with all the tiny bolts.

We did some research and people said to put wood or paper scarps on the bottom to help with decomposing and then you don't need as much black dirt either.

We laid down plastic to prevent getting weeds through before we put crushed granite on top.


Ahh!! I can't believe how it came to life so quickly!

These raised beds turned out to be everything if hoped they would be! perfect sizing, a generous amount of room and pretty to looks at!

We went with the sizing of the 8"x2" ones.

We've planted countless different things and with as much rain we are getting they are already starting to pop up!

Onto the harvest/potting table! I knew I wanted a small table area for different gardening things, such as potting, planting, harvesting etc.

 I came across this adorable medium tone wood garden table at Target on sale, I thought to myself "It's perfect" and it is!

Collecting all of the small details like tools, pots and plants is always one of my most favorite parts of creating a new space.

I mean, look at this Canvas Gardening Bucket! It comes with pockets on all sides for all your accessories and a leather handle to easily move.

Believe it or not we actually use this little retro Bluetooth AM/FM Radio all of the time! It has a rechargeable battery and gets to good volume for being outside.

I found these hanging planter holders and loved the idea of using the back of the office for more of my garden.  I put herbs in them along with a couple flowers and it filled up the space so nicely and looks pretty too!

We can't wait to watch our garden grow and become more beautiful with time.  I've got a few additions to add yet but I am so in love with this new little space! 

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I really wanted string lights over the garden but didn't have any outlets on this side of the house, so I bought these solar powered lights that are the perfect warm glow and they add so much detail and look so pretty lit up at night!

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