allie • October 13, 2015

If you follow me on instagram you saw this photo the other day….

a torn apart living room with walls getting planked. I picked up these boards the other day at Menards when it was 11% off. They are called Luann there, and are that reddish color on both sides. I think they run about $10-$11 for a 4×8 foot sheet. Ryan helped me cut it down to 6″ planks the other day, so I was ready to start hanging. I’ve had a few people ask me for a tutorial, and I have posted another post here that explains it a lot more in detail. It’s actually super easy, and if you don’t have access to a finish nailer and air compressor (my two favorite tools besides my chop saw) you can always be old fashioned and use a hammer and nails too!

After I had the planks up, it was time to fill nail holes.  I left my nail holes in the office cause I liked the rough unfinished look, but I wanted this planking to match the rest of the living area, so I finished it off nice.

I just use white wood filler and my finger.  Your finger gets a bit sore after awhile, but it actually goes quite fast!

And after the holes were filled it was time to prime.  I have noticed that the redder wood does end up bleeding through a bit after a few years.  Not enough to completely bug, I still haven’t fixed the fireplace, but enough to make me use Zinsser primer first and hope that helps!

And here’s the non-i phone afters…

I’m loving how the back entry now flows into the living room.  and if you hadn’t noticed, I moved my furniture around.  I never thought I could switch up this room since the antenna is wired behind the opposite wall, but we just attached a super long wire and shoved it under the baseboard and you would never know.  You may think I’m crazy to put the tv in front of the window, but trust me…there are reasons.  We don’t sit in the little white chairs all that often, the couch gets the most use.  And when you are sitting on this side of the room, the view is of our two huge pole sheds and our neighbors house at the end of the gravel road.  When you side on the opposite wall and look out you see rolling hills, maple trees, and beautiful scenery!  It also no longer shines sun on the tv, and it really opened the space up.  I thought I would hear it from the hubs, but surprisingly he said, I told you to do that a long time ago!  Wow..didn’t remember that one:)

And don’t worry, enough light still comes in.

I get so many questions about this wall art.  I actually just used some left over craft paper and a sharpie and created my own wall art.

I always seem to have a photo bomber at some point;)

And that’s it for now.  I ran out of planking for the opposite wall that I need to finish, and have a few other projects I did in here as well, that I will hopefully show you soon….but until then, watch for a gender reveal!!! We go in tomorrow to get our ultrasound and find out what this little peanut is!!! I can’t WAIT:)

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