allie • December 16, 2015

Holy Moly Christmas is less than two weeks away. How does that happen every.year. I think I’m going to be so on top of things. I start decorating early, I get Christmas shopping done early, my baking is done, I’ve been listening to Christmas music for two months now, but still….it creeps up on me. Sometimes I wish Christmas was January 25th so it would help to speed up winter. But alas, Christmas is upon us!

So I thought I’d share this little house that we are enjoying through this season. It is the most festive I think it’s been, but yet it also seemed to come together the easiest this year. My trick was lots of garlands and lights. Ryan jokes that people don’t need directions to get to our house, just look for the glow:) My mom ruined me for that. She had lights everywhere. And she left ours on 24/7, something Ryan doesn’t quite allow. He does let me leave one of the railings on though, the one that runs upstairs. I told him how magical as a kid it was for me to wake up in the night or early in the morning and be greeted by twinkling lights. So good job mom:) Ryan thanks you!

Our sitting area and mantle were pretty simple this year.

I made sure to be strategic about all of the pops of red. I feel like if you introduce a color, you should be able to see pops of it throughout the house. It makes it feel more cohesive…

The open floor plan makes it even more tricky since you can see almost every room of our main level from any given room you are in!

and my mantle was super simple this year. But with everything else going on, I think that’s okay.

I had gotten these garlands from Ballard Design a few years back on clearance, although I still saw them in their catalog this year. I contemplated selling them at Whimsy when I purchased the simple and inexpensive ikea greens, but am so grateful I didnt. They have cozied up this space so well.

As for the rest….I just cut some left over birch we had in the shed and stacked it next to the mirror.

Nothing to it.

The christmas tree is a nice break between the sitting room and the living room.

Our normal place we cut down trees closed this year. Sad, because it’s not always easy to find my favorite Charlie Brown trees. My friend scoped a new place out and I was ecstatic. This tree is actually classified as a balsam fir, although it looks a lot different than the shaped filled in ones you usually see.

I’m happy to report that the kids helped me decorate and this is the first year I haven’t had to move even one of their ornaments.

Train them young I say:)

and if you noticed…I got the back wall planked!!

It feels so good to have that project done! And I also had fun putting together this little advent calendar that was a free printable from Ella Claire who is beyond talented and her blog is amazing!

I got the chicken wire frame from my sister. Surprisingly it was left over from Whimsy and I was so glad it was! It worked just perfect for this!

She also has blank cards that go in each envelope that you can use to put fun activities on. I did this, I just didn’t put them in the actual envelopes because I didn’t want to try to get them out every morning. The kids get so excited in the morning to see what activity is, anything from reading a Christmas story, opening a present early, making cookies, sleeping under the Christmas tree, or even having hot chocolate for breakfast. Yes, we are rebels like that;)

and it’s the perfect size for over the couch.

I had these red vintage books sitting in the shed as well, and painted on a simple noel to add some Christmas cheer:)

A fun buy this Christmas season was my canvas print from Vol25. I love the evergreen print, and figured it can make it’s home in man cave possible after Christmas:)

and if you noticed in the back, I added fabric curtain panels to my IKEA standing cabinet. I am awful at organization and pretty bookshelves that are also functional. So, the fabric had to be…and I love it. I hides all the clutter and noise that comes from that cabinet and I no longer have to worry about it housing only pretty stuff!

and the last room is the kitchen. Open shelves are fun to bring in some fun pops of color.

Although I adore Christmas and Christmas decor and creating traditions for my kids, I adore sharing with my kids the reason behind Christmas and why we get to celebrate such a special holiday.

We are so beyond blessed to know that Jesus came down in human form as a sweet little baby, to endure the suffering and pain this world brings, to take on all of our ugly sin that we commit every day, as well as all of our pain and suffering, so that we can eventually enjoy eternal life in a place that is so sweet, I can’t even imagine. A place where part of my heart already is with a sweet girl named Jules;) And THAT’S what truly makes this holiday THE MOST precious in our eyes. And my prayer is that’s what my kids remember long after the presents are opened and the Christmas tree is gone.

Just as I was writing this sweet Kynlee said, “Mom, Christmas is all about friends and family and Jesus.”

Amen sweet girl!

Merry Christmas all!

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