True Love

allie • February 14, 2013

Ryan is my one true love.  He was the first man I ever said “I love you” to….and he will be the only man.

Not because of his good looks….which are rather cute if I say so myself.

Not because of his quick wit and charm….which he is full of.

Not because of his handy skills or desire to keep me home or his love for the Lord, which trust me..he has it all:)

But…because of our commitment to Jesus.


It really has nothing to do about Ryan and I. Ha! But it’s true.  It has everything to do with the covenant we entered into with the Lord the day we both said “I do.”

Luckily for me I really truly love this man with all my heart.  I am not perfect (shh…don’t tell Ryan, I think I still have him fooled:)  or that he’s not perfect, or that we have slept in different rooms, yelled at each other, pursued counseling, grieved together, rejoiced together, shared together, experienced life together.  Basically my point is this….


It never surprises me when Hollywood couples break up after 1 year, 5 years, or even 25 years.  I am always a bit sad, but never surprised.  If we were to not understand the true definition of marriage I’m pretty sure Ryan and I wouldn’t have made it either.

But who ever told us it would be easy??  Why do we think it should be all butterflies and lollipops?? The world tells us that once the “spark” is gone, we can leave too.  Keep ourselves happy.  But that’s not true.

My mother-in-law gave me the book called  Sacred Marriage   when Ryan and I first got married, and it really opened my eyes and it resonated with me.  It is so powerful.

It’s written by Gary Thomas and the full title is:

Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy

Your marriage is more than a sacred covenant with another person. It is a spiritual discipline designed to help you know God better, trust him more fully, and love him more deeply. Scores of books have been written that offer guidance for building the marriage of your dreams. But what if God’s primary intent for your marriage isn’t to make you happy. . . but holy? And what if your relationship isn’t as much about you and your spouse as it is about you and God?

Everything about your marriage–everything–is filled with prophetic potential, with the capacity for discovering and revealing Christ’s character. The respect you accord your partner; the forgiveness you humbly seek and graciously extend; the ecstasy, awe, and sheer fun of lovemaking; the history you and your spouse build with one another–in these and other facets of your marriage,  Sacred Marriage  uncovers the mystery of God’s overarching purpose. This book may very well alter profoundly the contours of your marriage. It will most certainly change you.

Because whether it is delightful or difficult, your marriage can become a doorway to a closer walk with God, and to a spiritual integrity that, like salt, seasons the world around you with the savor of Christ.

So, if you are desiring more for your relationship, or if you are in a rocky patch…search out this book.  It will change your view.  And I have to tell you, when you live like this, God will bless it!  I can honestly say that at the moment Ryan and I are enjoying each other more than we ever have.  The love, the respect, the understanding has never been deeper.  I might not have said that 2 weeks ago:) but that’s the beautiful thing about marriage, it can always be improved worked on, and change!

Thank you Lord for your gift of marriage, and for my Valentine!

Love you baby!!


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