3D Ultrasound

allie • September 21, 2012

Well, I know many of you have been awaiting the results of our ultrasound, and honestly I wish I was more excited to share it with you:)  Not that it wasn’t good to see our little sweetie, but it’s more of a bittersweet moment than a fun one to go into something like this.  Knowing this may be the only time we get to see her kicking and hear her heartbeat again.

Unfortuntately the ultrasound didn’t go all that great.  The hard thing about 3D ultrasounds is that they can’t cut through the skin like a 2D can.  So, since my placenta was in the front part of my belly (and it always is, which makes me not feel my babes until usually around 20 weeks) it was hard to get a good image.  Double that up with a little girl whose doing a cannon ball in my belly with one leg up by her head the whole time and her arms wrapped around it:)   we didn’t get a very good shot.  It’s almost harder to make out than helpful because 3D ultrasounds look a little lumpy and unnormal, and for us, who already know our little babe may look a little different than the others, it was really hard to tell.  So, to give you those disclaimers, I’ll show you the best shots that they did get:)  On a positive note her heartbeat was strong and I’m hoping that will be a good indicator that she’ll make it through the delivery.

I thought the 2D ultrasound was easier to make out. I know this sounds crazy but we were so excited to see that she had a nose:) I had read in the letter from the doctor who strongly encouraged to terminate the pregnancy that she had a sunken face, and I about lost it. Not that we still wouldn’t love her, but it’s hard for a momma to see something like that. So she does have a cute little Lundeen nose as you can see:) Her fists are still clenched.

Here’s a pic of the 3d. The big blob in the way in front is my placenta…grr, and then by her nose is her leg, silly girl. But, you can see her eyes and nose, and this also shows a bit of her cleft, if you can tell. Super hard to make out but it’s on the right side of her mouth and goes up a bit. I was hoping to get a better picture but I can’t complain about the price, and they were so sweet to do this for us!

I think she’s beautiful

Today’s been a hard day.  Babies are starting to arrive.  I was looking at pictures at 3:30 this morning and saw this cutie…

and really wanted to bring home another one. So instead the kiddos and I went to the grocery store and got this…

Don’t judge:)

Thank you for the extra prayers, emails and support.  We will take it all!  We still feel so blessed but know that these next couple of weeks are going to be the beginning of a new normal for us.  And thanks to so many of our friends and family who have been very understanding of our “distance” this last month.  Sometimes it just feels good to hibernate with the fam for a bit:)

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